

A little about Denmark, the country I live in.

Dannebrog, the danish flag

Statistics and other trivia:

Denmark is a small country (26.780 square miles/43.098,29 square kilometers). It is located in Scandinavia, Europe, north of germany and south of Norway and Sweden. Denmark consists of a peninsula, Jutland (Jylland) and 406 islands of different size. Copenhagen (København), the capital is located on the the largest of the islands, Zealand (Sjælland). Odense, where Hans Christian Andersen was born, is located on the second-largest island of Funen (Fyn)

Denmark is a monarchy, currently ruled by Queen Margrethe II (since 1972)

There are approximately 5.388.000 inhabitants in Denmark (not including Greenland and the Faroe Islands, which belongs to Denmark but are home-ruled)

Denmark has the oldest flag in the world, Dannebrog, it dates back to 1219.

Danish has 3 "extra" letters in the alphabet, æ ø and å and a language that is said to be very tough to learn for foreigners, partly due to the fact that the written danish differs quite a lot from the spoken language. So far I haven't been able to find any online translation engines that understands danish.

I live in Århus (or Aarhus), the second-largest city in Denmark. As Denmark is so small, the term "second-largest" has to be considered. There are only about 250.000 inhabitants here.

Below are some pictures from Århus, of varying quality (some of them are taken from my car). More pictures and more text will probably appear over time, so please check back.

Our street, where I live

Main road, off-hours traffic. Driving towards the city center.

Downtown. The tower-like building is the city hall.

Coastline. Århus is a coastal city.

Our house

View from the upstairs windows. The sea is visible in the horizon



© TrekkieGrrrl 2004